Spouses of CARICOM Leaders Action Network (SCLAN) is an advocacy and action platform that tackles issues related to the health and wellbeing of women, adolescents and children in the Caribbean. Their mission is a Caribbean free from HIV, gender-based violence, teenage pregnancy and cervical cancer. Apart from all this, SCLAN also advocates for mental health awareness and has hosted panel discussions on the topic of mental health among our youth.
Recently, META Belize’s Azalia Larrieu was invited by SCLAN as a panelist to partake in their Panel Discussion on Engaging Men and Boys to Advance Gender Equality. Mrs. Larrieu was highlighted by SCLAN as an outstanding mental health activist and community leader in Belize, for her work as founder of META Belize, as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with the Ministry of Health and a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist with Trauma Institute International.
Mrs. Larrieu was recognized for her exceptional dedication to offering continued education and counseling in the field of Clinical Social Work and Mental Health. She elaborates on the importance of working with our children and shifting what we know as discipline being about punishment and power to helping our kids through love and acceptance.