Group Therapy
Would you like to start psychotherapy but aren’t sure if it is right for you? You can try out group therapy. Group therapy consist of 5 or more individuals meeting once a week for 1 hour. Group therapy is unlike support groups as it is led by 1 or more mental health practitioner. All our group therapy is focused to target specific issues.
Social Support Groups
Unlike group therapy, support groups are a group of people who all share common experiences or concerns and meet once weekly to provide each other with moral and emotional support and guidance. The facilitator may or may not share the same concerns as the group.
We offer both closed and open groups. A fee of attendance is charged.
Online Group Therapy
Meta Belize uses encrypted and HIPAA-compliant Zoom for all services, including groups.
The same behaviors that make in-person group therapy beneficial are still applicable to online group therapy: focusing on feelings (yours and others), maintaining confidentiality, respecting privacy, abstaining from alcohol and other substances prior to group, and attending regularly/informing group leaders when you are unable to make it to the group.
Find out more about Online Group Therapy here.
Critical Incident Group Debriefing (CIGD)
Has your group or family suffered a traumatic event?
Most individuals who have witnessed a traumatic event may exhibit symptoms of critical incident stress, straining their ability to function. A traumatic stress may differ for each individual. However, incidents that causes harm or threatens your life may fall under this category, including: having to witness or experience tragedy, death, serious injuries and threatening situations. Critical incident stress may last between 2 – 4 weeks, triggering emotional, mental, and physical response.
CIGD is a facilitator-led group debriefing to help your group process the traumatic event soon after the event has occurred. This is an early intervention process and is often a short-term process, further clinical assistance is recommended following the debriefing.